Wise words and waggishness… March 2025

A selection of notable quotes and comments we’ve come across this month

Marc Ambasna-Jones
A portrait shot of Peter Kyle, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation, and Technology

“We don’t know what 2035 will look like. But we know that tech will have a pivotal – and positive – role to play. Engineering biology and AI. Semiconductors and cybersecurity. Quantum and telecoms. Every one of the technologies I have talked about today offers a chance to change working people’s lives for the better.”

Peter Kyle, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation, and Technology, speaking at the techUK conference

A headshot of Sabine Hauert, University of Bristol

“We’ve spoken with 50 firefighters about what it would take for them to embrace the swarm within their current work protocols and we are working on an interface, so they can just click a button… the firefighters wanted to have control over how the fire was going to be attacked, with a line on the screen to say how the robots would swoop down and deliver the water.”

Sabine Hauert, Professor of Swarm Engineering at the University of Bristol, in our article There’s a swarm coming: how robots are learning to solve human problems

A headshot of Jerry Chow, IBM

“By 2033, we expect to see general-purpose quantum computing libraries designed for a wide variety of quantum applications… The utility era is here, and it’s already time to explore business and scientific value with quantum computers today.”

Jerry Chow, IBM fellow and director of Quantum Systems & Runtime Technology, in our article “The utility era is here”: how big tech is approaching quantum computing in 2025

Jay Lowell speaking at Quantum World Congress 2024

“If you really look at what Boeing does, its mission is to bring people closer together. We need to have an understanding of how those quantum networking technologies will impact that business, because the alignment is so core to who we are as a company.”

Boeing principal senior technical fellow Jay Lowell talking about Boeing’s role in quantum in our article Quantum technology takes on the space race 2.0

A headshot of David Knowles, Henry Royce Institute

“The most impactful innovations, however, are going to come through materials embracing the digital revolution – Materials 4.0. Materials informatics has the potential to revolutionise the way we discover, use, and recycle materials, but there is a huge effort required in the UK to deliver on this potential. We’re in a bit of a race internationally here.”

David Knowles, CEO of the Henry Royce Institute, talking about the National Materials Innovation Strategy in our article Will the UK’s National Materials Innovation Strategy bridge the gap between research and real-world impact?

A headshot of Nicholas Nelson, Superangel

“In one [VC] group that I’m in on WhatsApp, I have never heard anyone mention the word ‘defence’ before, and that’s been mentioned twice in the last three or four days – so that’s something.”

Nicholas Nelson, a defence-focused venture partner at early-stage investor Superangel, talking to Sifted about the rise in interest in defence-industry funding

Marc Ambasna-Jones
Marc Ambasna-Jones / Editor-in-chief

Working as a technology journalist and writer since 1989, Marc has written for a wide range of titles on technology, business, education, politics and sustainability, with work appearing in The Guardian, The Register, New Statesman, Computer Weekly and many more.


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